



  Sample Topic: The Role of Extracurricular Activities in the U.S. Collegiate Admissions Process: Questions and Misperceptions


  Common Misperceptions:


  Misconception #1. That schools are looking for “all-star” candidates who have strong academic achievement in all areas (supported by participation in academic competitions such as the American Mathematics Competitions, U.S. Academic Decathlon, Chinese competitions in STEM, the arts, and so on); leadership roles; athletic achievement; community service involvement; participation in diverse summer programs; and some sort of preprofessional or mentorship experience.



  Question #1: These are all obviously positive factors in the admissions process. So, what is the problem with a student having this kind of extracurricular profile?



  Answer: The student’s profile is too scattered to develop a focused, memorable image that will differentiate him or her from the competition in the eyes of the Admissions Officers. Also, all of these activities are fairly typical - they won’t help him or her stand out from the competition, many of whom will have similar experiences and achievements.



  Question #2: Okay, so what is our strategy for creating a more effective extracurricular profile?


  Case study #1: Siyiang


  Student profile:


  Education: Attended a strong international school located in his second-tier hometown from middle school onward


  Scores: GPA: 94/100, SAT 1470 (97th percentile: 770 Math, 700 EBR; essay 7/6/7)

  【成绩:GPA:94/100,SAT 1470(97%:770数学,700 EBR; 论文7/6/7)】

  Strengths: Physics and math (has placed in the Top 1% to 5% in several prestigious international mathematical competitions, including the American Mathematics Competition series)


  Weakest subject: Chinese language and history!


  Primary extracurricular interest: Environmental science and conservation


  Clubs: Environmental Conservation (“Green” Club) Treasurer / Badminton Team

  【俱乐部:环境保护(“绿色”俱乐部)会计 / 羽毛球队】

  Challenge: These activities are too typical. We need to do something to help distinguish Siyiang from other top students with similar credentials.


  Consulting team’s recommendation: Develop special project that combines mathematical and environmental interests and shows leadership potential as well



  1. Brainstorming


  We helped Siyiang to consider some possible projects. During our  casual conversation, he mentioned that he had recently visited a wildlife sanctuary near his home and had been surprised to see how few visitors there were there. This gave us the “seed” of our project proposal.


  2. Identifying the problem: Survey


  With the help of our team, Siyiang designed a three-question survey requesting park visitors to give some feedback about their experience there. Along with two friends from school, he collected responses from about 200 visitors over a three-month period. In addition to monitoring the number of visitors that the park recorded each weekend, Siyiang and his classmates tracked the average length of each visit.


  3. Analysis and conclusions


  Siyiang performed some basic statistical analyses and carefully reviewed the responses of the visitors he had surveyed. He detected two important trends: First, that park visitors stayed for a much shorter time than he had expected, and second, that they were older than average for his hometown.


  4. Suggestions for Park Management


  Siyiang and his team recommended that park management A) have more special activities, such as outdoor games and guest lectures, that would appeal to different demographics and help the park seem more dynamic, and B) come up with some activities or areas specialized for children’s entertainment. In fact, Siyiang’s teammate even designed an interactive activity to help children keep track of which animals and plants they saw during their time at the park.


  5. Documentation


  Siyiang obtained a supplementary letter of recommendation from the assistant manager of the park, who praised his ingenuity, organizational abilities, and social responsibility.


  6. Change of Major


  This experience actually had a longer-term impact on Siyiang, who decided to apply to university as a prospective sociology major rather than an environmental science major.



  Ideal extracurricular activities must be:

  A) Original (non-replicable; no other student will have this same project*)

  B) Believable (achievable using the student’s own intellectual, temporal, financial, and educational resources)

  C) Synthetic (demonstrate achievement and ability in multiple areas so as to connect some of the strong facets of the student’s application)

  D) Ideally, give the student a wonderful topic to write about for at least one of his or her application essays!






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