考文垂大学(Coventry University)坐落在英国考文垂市,简称考大,在英国《卫报》2020大学综合排名第15名。[1]考文垂大学的建校历史可追溯到1843年考文垂设计学院(CoventryCollege of Design)。经过一百多年的合并与发展,在1992年英国马卓安政府颁布的《1992年持续进修及高等教育法案》中,正式更名为考文垂大学。下面立思辰来留学云告诉大家考文垂大学有哪些优势专业?
The university was ranked in the top 10 across three subject areas –
Hospitality, leisure, recreation and tourism (8th);
Occupational therapy (8th);
Physiotherapy (7th) – with an overall placing of 47th in this year’s comparative tables.
Coventry also features in the top 20 for a further seven subject areas:
Art and design (17th)
Building (20th)
Drama, dance and cinematics (15th)
Forensic science (12th)
Food science (11th)
General engineering (18th)
Sports science (12th)